Is your solar PV inverter not performing as well as it used to? Are you not getting the return on investment you expected? It may be that your solar inverter needs replacing. It could also be that your warranty has expired and you need urgent help.
Skylamp Solar offers an efficient, reliable solar PV inverter installation service in Wheathampstead. We handle inverter replacements and all other tasks related to solar PV systems.
As the Wheathampstead moves away from fossil fuel dependence, more homeowners are investing in renewable energy. Many are opting for solar photovoltaic panels that convert sunlight into electricity. Most people prefer these because of the lower energy bills and the option of selling excess energy back to the national grid under the smart export guarantee. One of the newest forms of solar is the hybrid solar panel system which also uses an inverter as it heats water like the old systems but also converts energy to electricity like solar PV.
One essential component of this system is the solar inverter. This is the control centre, the link between your panels and the building - without it, your panels would be useless. Solar panels send DC (direct current) electricity to the inverter, where it is transformed into usable AC (alternating current) electricity that powers your Wheathampstead household or business. They can also be set to backup power mode, where solar batteries are kept permanently charged and only discharge power during interruptions to the energy supply from the national grid.
They are usually coupled with a charge controller that sends power to the grid when the batteries are full.
Although solar inverters are generally reliable and perform well, most inverters will need to be replaced at some stage.
As the nerve centre of the whole system, solar inverters have to cope with a heavy workload; this part works harder than any of the other components in the whole system!
Eventually, the capacitors will fail due to electromechanical wear and tear. Capacitors regulate the flow of electricity to make it flow evenly, and the high electrical load passing through these components gradually wears them out.
Other factors also affect performance and lifespan, including:
Unfortunately, some contractors aren't as conscientious or competent as they should be. A solar panel inverter that hasn't been installed correctly will almost definitely underperform and fail well before its expected life span.
As with all electrical equipment, a solar power inverter generates heat as it works. Ventilation is essential, so you need to allow adequate airflow around the unit. On a very sunny day, your solar panels will be pouring thousands of watts through the inverter, and if it's situated in a warm, stuffy area it will soon break down.
The majority of solar inverters come with a warranty of between 10 and 15 years. While this might seem a reasonable length of time (not many electrical goods can match this!), it is about half the expected lifespan of your solar panel array.
It's not easy to judge exactly when solar PV inverter replacement should take place. The very nature of the system means that there will be some loss of efficiency over the years, but a drastic drop in output could be a sign that it's time to replace the inverter.
Even so, don't jump to conclusions and assume that the solar power inverter is causing the issue and rush into having it replaced. Be very wary of independent local installers or unqualified contractors who advise you to buy a new inverter before checking the entire solar panel system.
Skylamp Solar solar panel engineers will test your system for you and advise you whether a replacement inverter is necessary.
In the meantime, it's a good idea to monitor the output and check for any fault codes on the display panel.
There's a clue in the length of the warranty, as this gives an idea of the minimum length of time you'd expect the item to work for.
However, there are factors that will affect the unit's life cycle, as we've mentioned.
Also, it's better to consider investing in a good-quality brand as these will typically last longer than cheaper models.
And one other issue to be aware of is that there are two different types of inverters:
A string inverter handles the entire solar array (up to 14 panels) as if it were one panel. At the moment, string inverters are used in most homes with a solar PV system.
The main issue with these is that if one of the PV panels isn't functioning as well as the others, the entire array is affected and electricity generation will be lower. This might happen if a single panel is partially shaded or contaminated with dirt and debris, which is why it's good to keep the panels clean.
Depending on the model, you can expect your string inverter to last between 5 and 12 years.
Micro inverters are usually found on smaller arrays and have a big advantage over string inverters; they are each attached to a single panel and act independently, so there's no loss of efficiency if another panel is in shade from a tree or chimney, for example.
Because they don't have to deal with a high electrical load, they have an increased life span, with a warranty of up to 25 years.
One sure way to increase the life cycle of your solar inverter is to get it checked and maintained regularly. Although this does incur a fee, this can be recovered through increased efficiency in the long term - your system continues to work better and for longer, so you won't need to replace the components as frequently.
Skylamp Solar can arrange a sensible maintenance schedule that won't dent your budget and will keep things running smoothly.
The price varies from one inverter to another, depending on the brand, type, system size, conversion efficiency and potential power output. We posted an article entitled “what size inverter do i need for my solar panels” to go into more details on this.
Micro inverters typically cost between £100 and £150 each, but you'll need one unit per PV panel.
A string inverter can cost anywhere between £500 and £2,000 so it's vital that you seek advice to ensure that you get the right one for your needs - and your bank account!
Feel free to call Skylamp Solar for advice on this or any other issues concerning solar PV inverter replacement and solar panels in general.
If your existing inverter has been fitted by qualified experts in accordance with industry guidelines, there's no reason to situate the replacement unit elsewhere.
Ideally, they need to be in a shaded place out of direct sunlight. They should be easily accessible to allow you to check them regularly and for maintenance purposes.
The area should be well-ventilated and the inverter should be away from all sources of ignition and set at least three feet above ground level.
Although many inverters are placed in the loft, this isn't the best place as lofts can get very hot. A garage, utility room or large cupboard would be ideal. Some models are built to go outdoors, although it's still wise to keep them out of the sunlight.
Of course, micro inverters will remain outside all of the time as they are fitted just below the solar panels (whether on the roof or a ground-mounted array).
The actual installation only takes a competent fitter between one and two hours, so it's a pretty straightforward job.
Of course, it depends on whether it's a string inverter or micro inverter and where the unit is situated.
Micro inverters may take longer to install as they are usually located on a roof, which requires extra work and possibly the use of scaffolding.
In theory, this is possible but only if you are absolutely certain that you know what you are doing. If you get this wrong, you could damage the unit irreparably or void the warranty.
You also need to be sure that you fit the correct solar inverter. If it isn't compatible with the size of your PV panels or battery storage, there's a good chance that it won't work or will cause major damage.
On balance, it is advisable to contact a professional solar PV inverter replacement specialist, like Skylamp Solar.
When it's time for your existing inverter to be replaced, you need a team that can do the job professionally and offer competitive pricing.
That's why you should make Skylamp Solar your first choice in all matters concerning solar PV installations and solar inverter replacements in Wheathampstead.
If you need advice regarding your solar panel inverter and suspect that you need a replacement, don't hesitate to call us. We'll guide you in the right direction and get your solar system running smoothly again, leaving you to enjoy the benefits.
Yes solar inverters do need servicing despite having a lifespan of around 5-10 years depending on the specification and brand.
In short yes but an electrician is unlikely to know the ins and outs of solar inverters and also not be able to recommend which ones to use. The cost will almost be the same so you would be wise to have it done by a solar technician.
The lifespan of a solar inverter can vary between specification and brand but the best on the market can last up to 15 years whilst the cheaper ones might start degrading or fail within 5 years.
In general once per year but that is assuming the inverter and panels have the recommended angle of tilt and that they are not in an area with lots of falling debris and dirt in an overly dry environment i.e. sheltered from the rain.